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Revised Pitch


The web map visualize the location of public infrastructure (PI) assets in the Federated States of Micronesia (FSM). It’s main audience is emergency planners in the FSM. It offers some of the more basic features that you find in FEMA’s Resilience Analysis and Planning Tool (RAPT, The map helps identify the location of PI assets in the FSM and summarizes the assets located within FSM municipalities. Several “water, sanitation, and hygiene” (WASH) and emergency management (EM) related attributes are displayed on a dashboard.

Basic Features

  1. FSM PI are displayed as markers on a map, with different PI types having different marker styles.
  2. When selected, a PI’s attributes are visible as a “report” without leaving the web map.
  3. FSM municipalities are displayed as polygons.
  4. When a municipality is selected, the number of each type of PI asset in the municipality is displayed in a simple legend.
  5. Multiple municipality polygons can be selected and the legend displays the aggregated number of each type of PI across all selected polygons.


Emergency managers in the Federated State of Micronesia can use this map to help identify vulnerable communities, at-risk assets, and opportunities to improve resilience within given communities. Organizations that could be interested include DECEM, IOM, USAID, and additionally UNDRR funded projects.

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