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User Stories

I need to identify the PI that are in a specific community so I can send my team there.

I need to identify the location of different types PI so I can better understand how critical lifelines may be impacted by a disaster.

I need to quickly access contact details for all public PI assets so I know how to find out what’s happening in an urgent situation.

I need to know what resources are available in a specified community, so I can plan for or respond to a disaster.

I need to be able to find a community or island by name so I can see the PI in the area.

I need to be able to quickly find PI by name, so I can see where they are.

I need the web app to work offline, so I can use it when the internet is down.

I need the web app to work offline, so I can use it for remote fieldwork.

I need to be able to print out information I find about the PI, so my team can do tabletop exercises.

I need to be able to print out information I find about the PI, as a contingency for when I’m doing fieldwork.

I need to know the number of PI in an area, so I don’t miss any during fieldwork.

I need to know how to reach a key contact at the PI, so I can coordinate with them.

I need to know where different PI are located, so we can preposition relevant EM response materials in key locations.